The Sejm’s YouTube channel is breaking popularity records. Hołownia: There will be a silver button!

The Sejm's YouTube channel is breaking popularity records.  Hołownia: There will be a silver button!

Interest in politics has significantly increased after the parliamentary elections in Poland. This was visible, among others, after the turnout in the venues. However, there is one more determinant: the number of subscriptions to the Sejm’s YouTube channel.

The YouTube channel Sejm RP, the official profile of the lower house of the Polish parliament, is breaking popularity records. It has just reached 141,000 subscriptions, which means that… it deserves a special badge that Google, the owner of the platform, awards to creators who manage to collect 100,000. subscribers.

The Parliament may receive a silver YouTube button

According to the procedure, in order for the creator, in this case the Chancellery of the Sejm, to receive a silver button, he or she must declare such willingness and contact the American giant with a request for shipment. At the press conference, Marshal of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia was asked about this, and he did not hide his amusement at the whole situation.

– I’ve already been in a program that had a golden button (Got Talent on TVN – editor’s note), so now I should accept the silver button? Well, I don’t know, we’ll see – said the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia.

Hołownia: Democracy is taking root

Will Marshal Szymon Hołownia ask YouTube to send a silver button? He admitted that he should ask the Sejm Information Center and pointed out that one thing was important in the whole situation.

– I will talk to the Sejm Information Center because I do not feel competent to write for the award of this silver button. For me, the golden or even diamond button is that there are so many subscribers, but maybe we can squeeze more. It’s very good, democracy is finally coming under the roof, to our TVs, computers and smartphones. It should be. The place where we are is not a museum of democracy, democracy is supposed to be alive here – he said.

– Quite seriously, I am very happy and I would like to thank all those over 100,000 people. new subscribers that the Sejm channel has acquired, because it means that what should be happening is happening – people are really interested in what they did on October 15. They want to hold us accountable for this and look at it – added Szymon Hołownia

Sejm proceedings with popcorn

The Marshal also reminded that the upcoming sessions of the Sejm, scheduled for November 28 and 29, may be extremely interesting. Szymon Hołownia advised citizens to prepare a supply of popcorn.

– I can tell you right away that a lot will happen on Tuesday. This is the in-vitro act, the act on nurses, the dismissal of members of the Lex Tusk commission, the first reading of the appointment of the first three investigative commissions, the act on Sunday trading, the appointment of the Ombudsman for Children… Ladies and gentlemen, stock up on popcorn for next Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be a lot of emotions, but I hope that at the end there will also be a lot of good – said the Speaker of the Sejm.

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