Sex in the future? Prof. Lew-Starowicz for “Wprost”: The pink pill, microsurgery and the fourth revolution
You don’t have to look into a fortune teller’s crystal ball to see what sex will be like in the future. We already have a lot of data on this subject from Silicon Valley, pharmaceutical companies’ laboratories, new technologies and changing erotic customs.
There is already a lot happening and the pace of change is accelerating. This needs to be sorted out.
Pharmacological treatment
After the appearance of the “blue pill” in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men, similar successes in the treatment of orgasm and desire disorders in women were expected.
The “pink pill” – that’s what women are counting on. Swallow something and desire soars.
So far, there has been no such breakthrough, because women’s sexuality is more complex than men’s. However, work is ongoing and soon drugs with complex effects will appear, significantly increasing women’s sexual reactivity.