Minister Leszczyna at the Patient Organization Forum: A patient in the center is not an empty word
I want the patient to be at the center of my actions. I have many priorities: prevention, oncology, child and adult psychiatry, announced Minister Izabela Leszczyna at the meeting of the Patient Organization Forum on the occasion of the World Day of the Sick.
Minister Leszczyna emphasized that she feels good among patients because she is a patient herself, not a doctor. – Among my closest colleagues in the Ministry of Health, I have three doctors, their medical support is absolutely sufficient for me – she said. She thanked patient organizations for devoting their private time and energy to other patients.
– It often happens that you start your business when you are sick yourself or your loved ones start to get sick, but you do not focus only on yourself and your family, but you give others your increasing knowledge and experience. You do it socially, with great commitment, and no one will replace you in this role. Just be there, said Minister Leszczyna.
She declared that patient organizations and cooperation with them are important for every Minister of Health. – The patient is at the center: these are not empty words. When, after my nomination as Minister of Health, I talked to the Minister and Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, asking her who was important to the Minister of Health and who I could trust, she replied that patients: they are people who always know a lot, are experienced and will always be supportive. . Of course, they will look at it through the prism of the disease they deal with most, but their experiences are priceless.
Priorities of the Minister of Health
Minister Leszczyna mentioned prevention and oncology, including children’s, as her priorities. She reassured that postponing the entry into force of the National Oncology Network until next year was necessary so that no oncology patient would be left without care.
– I postponed the entry into force of the KSO for a year, but it really does not mean that any oncology patient will be less cared for. If the network entered the network now, several thousand oncology patients would be left without care, and over 250 hospitals would have to stop providing oncological care. No health minister can do this, she said.
She assured that all cancer patients would be taken care of. – During this year, my colleagues and I will all work very intensively so that when we launch the network, the quality of oncological care will really improve.
She also mentioned psychiatry – both child and adult – as her priorities. – We are all attacked by thousands of pieces of information, often in these difficult times we need the support of a psychologist or psychiatrist, support is necessary at the earliest possible stage – she said.
Awards for patient organizations
Since 2020, awards from the Institute of Patient Rights and Health Education, the National Health Fund and the Ombudsman for Patients’ Rights have been presented during the Forms. This year, the awards went to: Prevention: Diabeciaki Association
Patient Rights and Safety – Gladiator Association,
Volunteering and social activities – Overcome Endometriosis Foundation