Lukashenko’s double game. This is the purpose of the desire to “negotiate” with Poland

Lukashenko's double game.  This is the purpose of the desire to "negotiate" with Poland

As part of its actions against Poland, the Belarusian regime established, among others, a website collecting alleged evidence of crimes against refugees.

Stanisław Żaryn, Deputy Minister of Coordination of Special Services, pointed out that Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko had attacked the West again. Lukashenko blamed the migrant crisis on the border with Belarus on the European Union and cynically declared his readiness to “negotiate” with the West to stop the influx of migrants to Europe.

Żaryn noted that the Belarusian dictator falsely accuses the EU countries bordering his country of allegedly “pushing the bodies of deceased migrants to the Belarusian People’s Republic, which is supposed to be proof of the lack of civilized behavior and the barbarity of the West.”

He added that Lukashenko calls Poles “scoundrels and crusaders” who are allegedly responsible for the deaths of foreigners at the border.

Crisis on the border with Belarus. Lukashenko associates him with… Ukraine

Alexander Lukashenko also manipulates facts. Żaryn noted that the dictator linked the crisis on the border with Belarus, which has been ongoing since 2021, with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and the imposition of economic sanctions by the European Union on Minsk.

At the same time, Lukashenko declares his readiness to “negotiate” with the West and restore good relations with his neighbors. “He adds that ‘despite bad experiences,’ ‘reconciliation is also possible with Warsaw,’ especially after the change of power in Poland,” Żaryn wrote.

In recent days, the Belarusian propaganda apparatus has intensified aggressive information activities aimed at Poland, which complement the mechanism of destabilization of the Polish border.

“The regime’s propaganda channels have reinforced lies about the criminal nature of the policies of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia towards migrants trying to enter Europe through the border with Belarus. As part of these activities, the regime in Minsk also established a website that is intended to “document cases of Polish and Lithuanian crimes against refugees” on the border with Belarus from the mid-19th century. 2021.” – we read.

“In the near future, we should expect an intensification of propaganda attacks against Poland and actions destabilizing the Polish border. At the same time, Minsk and Moscow will send signals about their readiness to “normalize” relations with Poland. This should be assessed as a political and psychological game aimed at influencing the future government to change the Polish policy towards Russia and Belarus and to force a withdrawal from aid to Ukraine,” Żaryn wrote.

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