Just don’t look down! The longest glass pedestrian bridge opened in China

You’ve probably seen videos of panicked people on “cracking” glass bridges. The Chinese thought it was a great idea and decided to build another, longest facility of this type in the world.
The longest glass bridge was opened in eastern China in Jiangsu province. The bridge is suspended over 100 meters above the ground. It measures 518 meters long. The glass is 3.5 centimeters thick and each of its panes can support up to 4.7 tons. Up to 2,600 people can cross the bridge at one time.
Tourists from all over the world will certainly be happy to pay for a substitute for walking on air. In addition, under your feet you can hear the sound of glass breaking, with characteristic cracks appearing on it.
It is the longest such structure in the world. The previous record was also held by a Chinese bridge located in Hebei province and 488 meters long.