Even 6 thousand PLN for rainwater collection. There's not much time left
You can apply for funding under the new edition of the Moja Woda program only until the end of June. The maximum amount of support is PLN 6,000.
There are only three more weeks to obtain funds under this year's edition of the Moja Woda program. This is a program launched in 2020 to help mitigate the effects of drought and prevent flooding in Poland.
My Water. You can apply for up to PLN 6,000
This year's edition of the Moja Woda program started at the beginning of August last year and will end on June 30 this year. Its budget of PLN 130 million has not been exhausted yet. Homeowners have the opportunity to receive up to 80 percent. reimbursement of costs incurred for investments in the so-called low retention on their properties. This mainly concerns rainwater tanks, but also other installations for collecting rainwater or meltwater. The maximum refund amount in this year's edition is PLN 6,000.
Natural persons who own or co-own the property on which a single-family house is located may apply for funding for rainwater collection. The program beneficiaries are to implement an installation for retaining and managing rainwater or snowmelt water (purchase, installation, construction, commissioning).
The program is run by the Provincial Branches of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). It is at the regional branch of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management that an application for funding should be submitted. This can be done in physical or digital form via the ePUAP platform. The application should include documents confirming all expenses related to the construction of the installation. These may be invoices, an execution report or confirmation of independent construction.
The Moja Woda program was launched in mid-2020. The first edition of the program received approximately 25,000. applications for co-financing of home retention installations. The total amount of financing amounted to over PLN 114 million. In 2021, the second edition of the program was launched, which received approximately PLN 31,000. applications, and the total amount was PLN 160 million. In 2022, the program did not operate. The next edition, lasting until the end of June, started on August 3, 2023.
What can water be used for?
It is worth noting that up to 360 liters of water can be collected in 20 minutes of rain. It is not suitable for drinking, but can be used for other purposes, such as watering flowers in the garden, flushing the toilet or for cleaning work.