These symptoms may indicate the development of inflammation in the body. Don't underestimate them
Inflammation is usually associated with fever. However, it may also cause other, less specific symptoms. Most people ignore them or attribute them to completely different reasons. Check what signals from your body you should worry about.
Inflammation occurs in response to the presence of bacteria, viruses, damaged tissues or foreign bodies in the body. It is a natural reaction of the immune system that tries to eliminate a harmful stimulus and restore balance. The problem occurs when this process takes too long. Chronic inflammation develops silently, wreaking havoc on the body and increasing the risk of many serious diseases. See how you can recognize it. Some of the symptoms will surprise you.
Unusual symptoms of inflammation
Hidden inflammation can manifest itself in many different ways. Often its symptoms are quite non-specific. Therefore, they can be easily confused with symptoms occurring in the course of other health problems, such as allergies, food poisoning or colds. Less specific symptoms of developing inflammation include:
feeling tired and weak,
watery eyes,
gastric complaints (diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, nausea),
stomach pain,
skin changes (rash, skin redness, itching, peeling of the epidermis), muscle and back pain,
difficulties with memory and concentration,
weight gain,
fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
The nature of the symptoms largely depends on the severity of the inflammation as well as its location. You should not ignore any disturbing signals from your body. It must be remembered that untreated inflammation can lead to the development of many different types of complications and increase the risk of diseases such as: atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, diabetes or hypertension. If you feel unwell for a long time without any clear cause or if other disturbing symptoms appear, you should immediately see your primary care physician and undergo a basic examination.
How can chronic inflammation be detected?
Chronic inflammation is detected by morphology, i.e. analysis of blood composition (both qualitative and quantitative). The test does not require any special preparation. The patient only needs to refrain from eating and drinking for 12 hours before the examination (fasting). The development of inflammation may be indicated by, among other things, an increased number of white blood cells.