Search of Zbigniew Ziobro's house. “It's grating to me”

Search of Zbigniew Ziobro's house.  "It's grating to me"

Prof. Andrzej Zoll commented that the search activities at Zbigniew Ziobro's house “were carried out properly.” The former president of the Constitutional Tribunal accused the services of not contacting the leader of Sovereign Poland.

Since Tuesday, March 26, searches regarding the Justice Fund have been ongoing, including at Zbigniew Ziobro's house. The action at the home of the former Minister of Justice took place in his absence, when he was undergoing cancer treatment. Balanced, among others, door to Ziobro's house. A dispute arose as to whether parliamentary immunity could also cover real estate owned by a politician.

Prof. Andrzej Zoll on the search of Zbigniew Ziobro's house: It is not a scandal

– This is not a scandal, it is a procedural mistake – said prof. Andrzej Zoll. – The search was carried out correctly, although there is one thing that bothers me. Namely, the services should try to contact Mr. Ziobro before the search – explained the former president of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Prof. Zoll argued that the telephone number and whereabouts of the leader of Sovereign Poland were known. – If he was outside Poland, they should call, at least, the hospital or facility where he was staying and ask if they can talk to him. They should make this effort. My objection is that they did not make this attempt, explains the retired judge. Prof. Zoll added that “the subsequent procedure was correct.”

Former president of the Constitutional Tribunal on the services' action regarding the Justice Fund

– We know the scale of this abuse in the FS. What is terrifying is that the funds to help the victims went to the party and for political purposes, commented the former president of the Constitutional Tribunal.

– Additionally, it was money that was supposed to help those who were released from prison return to society. When they leave prison, they receive so much money that they don't even have enough to buy a train to get to their place of residence. The food rate in prison is PLN 5 per day. These people really need help – noted prof. Zoll.

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