Protect your medical identity. Reserve your PESEL number in the mObywatel application
In recent years, the number of crimes involving the theft of personal data has been increasing. Criminals are increasingly targeting people’s medical identities. How to defend yourself against this? All you need to do is reserve your PESEL number. From November 17, 2023, you can do it via the mObywatel application. See what this procedure involves.
Medical identity theft occurs when a fraudster uses a victim’s medical information and health insurance information to gain access to certain health services, medical devices or rehabilitation equipment. These types of crimes are difficult to detect, but the risk of their occurrence can be reduced. All you need to do is reserve your PESEL number. Check how to do it.
How to block your PESEL number and protect your medical identity?
Contrary to appearances, blocking your PESEL number is very simple. There are several ways to do this:
in person – just go to the post office, city (municipal) office or bank and submit an appropriate application downloaded from the institution’s website or delivered by an official (registration of the document and reservation of the PESEL number will be confirmed in writing),
electronically – via ePUAP, i.e. Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services.
From November 17, 2023, it is possible to reserve your PESEL number using the mObywatel application. The new service was introduced under the Act of July 7, 2023 amending certain acts to limit certain effects of identity theft. What should I do to register my PESEL number? Run the software, select the “Your data” tab and then the “PESEL Objection Register” section. Then click the “Reserve PESEL” switch and confirm your decision. The entire procedure takes less than two minutes.
The mObywatel application also allows you to withdraw your PESEL number – indefinitely or for a specified period of time. After the indicated date, the PESEL number will be restricted again. This will happen automatically. Moreover, the software makes it possible to verify who checked our PESEL number and when. To do this, simply click the “Who checked your PESEL” tab in the “History” section.
Who can register a PESEL number and how much does it cost?
Any adult person who has such a number can register a PESEL number. The procedure is free. The citizen does not incur any costs for its implementation. There is no need to wait for the service to be completed. Everything happens instantly.
Why is it worth keeping your PESEL number?
Restricting your PESEL number allows, among other things, to protect your medical identity. Its theft often has very serious consequences. The victim’s personal data and information about his or her health can be used by fraudsters to extort medical equipment or services, which automatically harms the robbed person and hinders his or her treatment process, and at the same time exposes the state to losses. Restricting the PESEL number also allows you to reduce the risk of other types of fraud, for example taking out loans on the victim’s “account”.