You can buy these car models for the average national salary. The choice is not large
The most frequently represented cars in the price range corresponding to the average monthly salary in Poland are models with approximately 20 years of experience.
According to data from the Central Statistical Office, the average monthly salary in the first quarter of 2024 was PLN 8,147.38 gross, which means an increase of 14.4%. compared to last year.
In April 2024, there were 2,864 sales offers available on the used car market in the price range of PLN 8,000 – 8,500 gross. At this price you could find, among others: Polonaise Caro, whose median price was PLN 8,500, with an average age of 23 years and mileage of 300,000. km. However, the most offers concerned Opel Astra – 133 units were available, with a median price of PLN 8,400, mileage of 232,724 km and age of 18 years.
Paweł Molasy, Business Country Manager PL at Autocentrum AAA AUTO, draws attention to the risks associated with the purchase of older cars.
“If we buy a car that is 10 years old or older, we cannot be sure of its mileage, because the act requiring entries in CEPiK was adopted only in 2014. The purchase of such cars involves technical and legal risk, so the best solution is to look for cars from sellers offering money-back guarantee and specializing in vehicles with national origins,” said Molasy.
Despite the increase in wages, car prices on the secondary market have fallen. According to the AAA AUTO report, the median price of used cars in April was PLN 31,999, which is a decrease of PLN 901 compared to March. In the same month, 252,760 used cars were offered, which is 19,639 fewer than in the previous month.
May saw a continuation of the downward trend in the number of used car sales offers. Since April, it has decreased from 252,760 to 249,942 cars, i.e. by 2,818 cars.
The data comes from the monthly AAA AUTO Barometer report, which analyzes the sale of used cars at second-hand car dealerships, on websites and at used car dealers. As the number of offers decreased, the median mileage decreased – by 5,000. km and the age of used cars – by 1 year. However, the median price in May was higher by PLN 5,000. PLN than in May 2023 and amounted to PLN 34,900.