Will Poles choose the “lesser evil” again? “The poorer part of America showed it clearly.”

Elon Musk podczas wiecu Donalda Trumpa

Dear candidates for the President of the Republic of Poland, finally start listening to voters, i.e. propose and publicize in our political discourse valuable initiatives containing ideas for a strong economic component.

The poorer part of America has clearly shown that it does not need socio-cultural but economic changes. And she voted for Trump’s populist and demagogic tactics. Some Poles also believe that they understand Americans well and explain to them that they simply chose the lesser evil, something to which we in our country have repeatedly felt we were condemned to during the elections.

We are less interested in jokes about the candidate for the candidate of the Republic of Poland cleaning up the poop left by Bąbl, which should be obvious, or sharing facts from his personal life, such as his wife rushing to wash the bathtub.

What is missing from these stories is a substantive attempt to answer the hard question of what to do to finally reduce the prices of dog food and these bathtubs. Or at least they didn’t grow the following year.

During the unfolding presidential campaign, will our political elites take to heart the lesson that Americans taught the Democrats?

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