What are Poles afraid of right now? Among other things, inflation, but most of all, something else

Economics still rules fear, but Poles are currently more afraid of diseases and weather anomalies.
According to the report “Current fears and concerns of Poles”, currently as many as 93.9% of society fears at least one of 37 possible worst-case scenarios.
This is what Poles are afraid of
The greatest number of people fear illnesses of loved ones (43.3%). In second place are weather anomalies (41.7%), and third place belongs to fear of illness and loss of one’s own health (40.4%). In fourth place is fear of inflation and loss of value of money (37.3%). Fifth place is occupied by fear of war and armed conflict in Poland (35.8%).
– Inflation affects everyday life, causing an increase in the prices of goods and services, which can lead to a lower standard of living and increased financial uncertainty, but also indirectly contribute to the deterioration of mental health and influence as a component of the development of diseases such as depression. These concerns are understandable, considering that financial stability is key to a sense of security and prosperity – says Michał Murgrabia, one of the co-authors of the study from the ePsycholodzy.pl platform.
The study, conducted periodically by UCE Research and the ePsychologi.pl platform, shows what Poles are currently most afraid of. In the latest edition of the report, only 0.6 percent respondents are not afraid of anything, and 1 percent indicates something else that was not included in the survey. 45 percent respondents cannot define themselves on this issue, which means that 93.9 percent respondents are afraid of something. Half a year ago it was 93.5 percent.
Fear of immigrants
In sixth place is the fear of the influx of immigrants (33.6%), followed by the death of loved ones (29.9%), an increase in electricity and heating costs (29.2%), and an increase in food prices (28.6%). .) and lower quality of life (25%).
At the end of the ranking are the breakdown of the church community (3%), currency price fluctuations (3.2%), relationship breakdown or divorce (3.8%), real estate price fluctuations (4.1%) and a traffic accident (7.1%).
At the end of the ranking is the breakdown of the church community – 3% (six months ago – 2.6%). Previously, currency fluctuations – 3.2% (previously – 6.3%), relationship breakdown or divorce – 3.8% (5.4%), real estate price fluctuations – 4.1% (4.2%) and a road accident – 7.1% (7.3%).
– The least frequently selected answers may result from a smaller direct impact on everyday life, specificity of the situation, lower risk perception, lower social exposure and general stability and control in these areas. The fact that they are less frequently indicated does not mean that they are less important – sums up Michał Murgrabia.