Well-known company returns to plastic. Paper substitute failed

Well-known company returns to plastic. Paper substitute failed

The maker of iconic Capri Sun drinks plans to return to plastic, saying the paper alternative is not popular with customers. Such a move will be possible in one market for now.

Capri Sun, a well-known beverage manufacturer, has announced a return to plastic straws. The reason is the dissatisfaction of customers who complain about paper straws, indicating that they quickly become soft and impossible to drink through, and sometimes they cannot even penetrate the drinking hole.

Let us recall that plastic straws – like many other single-use plastics (cutlery, plates, cups, and drink stirrers) – are banned under the so-called Plastics Directive (which came into force in Poland last spring). Its introduction was dictated by the need to protect the environment and reduce the amount of plastic waste.

Capri Sun authorities to phase out paper straws

Capri Sun CEO Roland Weening announced the withdrawal of paper straws from the Swiss market. – The paper straw has good intentions, but in our case it makes no sense – said Weeing, quoted by dlahandlu.pl, emphasizing that the sales data did not develop in line with expectations.

Capri Sun emphasizes that the 200 ml drinks bag will be replaced in the future with a recyclable material (PP). This would mean that the paper straw would have to be disposed of separately. However, if the straw is made of the same material, the drinking bag and the plastic straw can be disposed of together.

The withdrawal of paper straws from the Swiss market will not be a problem, because the country is not part of the European Union, and therefore is not subject to a ban on the use of such straws. Abandoning them in other EU countries – due to the applicable regulations – will not be easy.

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