Vaccinations before the holidays can be expensive. Check the current price list and see how much you have to pay for them

Vacations in exotic countries can provide many unforgettable experiences, but also unpleasant surprises. Some of them can be effectively protected against with vaccinations. However, these are paid. Learn about their price list.
Holidays in exotic countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia or Jamaica involve serious changes in the functioning of the body, which must get used to high temperatures. A trip to the tropics also carries many risks. The greatest risk concerns diseases transmitted by insects. The most effective form of protection against these diseases is vaccination. See how much you have to pay for them this year.
What is worth getting vaccinated against before going on an exotic vacation?
High temperatures in tropical countries promote the transmission of various types of pathogens. Insects, especially mosquitoes, are also carriers of many viruses. Going on an exotic vacation carries an increased risk of contracting diseases such as yellow fever or Japanese encephalitis. However, the list of potential threats does not end there. It is also worth protecting yourself against diseases transmitted by animals, as well as those that are facilitated by poor sanitary conditions and poor hygiene. These include:
tick-borne encephalitis,
hepatitis A,
hepatitis B,
The National Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior and Administration reminds future tourists and vacationers about the need to take a protective preparation in one of the posts recently published on social media. “Vaccinations before traveling can significantly increase your safety and comfort when traveling to exotic places. This is your ticket to a safe vacation – protecting against many tropical diseases typical of the regions you are traveling to,” we read in the shared message.
How much do vaccinations cost before going on holiday in 2024?
The State Medical Institute of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration has also published a current price list for vaccinations. For protective preparations against diseases prevalent in exotic countries, you will pay from PLN 180 to PLN 600. The cost depends on the type of vaccine and disease, as well as the age of the vaccinated person:
Vaccination against yellow fever – PLN 310.00,
Vaccination against typhoid fever – PLN 290.00,
Vaccination against cholera (one dose of Dukoral) – PLN 270.00,
Vaccination against cholera (two doses of Dukoral) – PLN 500.00,
Vaccination against cholera (Vaxchora) – PLN 440.00,
Vaccination against meningococci (A+C+Y+W135), quadrivalent vaccine – PLN 300.00,
Vaccination against meningococci from group B with the Bexsero vaccine (one dose) – PLN 450.00,
Vaccination against Japanese encephalitis (one dose) – PLN 510.00,
Vaccination against rabies with any type of vaccine (one dose) – PLN 280,
Vaccination against tick-borne meningitis (one dose) for children – PLN 180.00,
Vaccination against tick-borne meningitis (one dose) for adults – PLN 190.00.
The patient must also pay for a medical consultation before vaccination (PLN 100.00), an international vaccination booklet (PLN 10.00), a medical consultation on antimalarial prophylaxis (PLN 50), as well as the reconstruction of vaccination documentation together with an entry in the vaccination booklet (PLN 50.00).
Cost of other vaccinations
The price list provided by the State Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior and Administration also includes vaccinations against:
Hepatitis B – one dose for adults costs PLN 110,
hepatitis A – one dose for children (Havrix Junior) costs PLN 210, while one dose for adults costs PLN 260,
hepatitis A+B – one dose for adults costs PLN 280,
tetanus and diphtheria – one dose costs PLN 100.00,
tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Boostrix, Adacel) costs 200 million zlotys,
tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio (Boostrix Polio, Adacel Polio) costs PLN 220,
Polio costs 160.00 PLN,
measles, mumps and rubella costs 190 PLN,
chickenpox costs 310.00 PLN,
HPV nine-valent vaccine Gardasil 9 – one dose costs PLN 600,
Flu vaccine of any type costs 70 PLN,
shingles – one dose costs PLN 900.
pneumococcal 13-valent vaccine costs PLN 340,
20-valent pneumococcal vaccine costs 400 PLN.