This store dominated the clothing market in Poland. The competition is far behind


Where do Poles most often buy clothes? The research results indicate a leader that dominated the market, attracting customers with affordable prices and offers.

Poles are increasingly choosing specific places to shop for clothes, and research results clearly show which stores are the most popular. The leader of the ranking leaves no doubt to the competition, and its advantage results from the combination of a wide range, affordable prices and availability both in stationary and online stores.

Leader of the Polish clothing market

In the survey, the highest place was taken by (name of the leader’s network), which gained an advantage thanks to the variety of products that meet the needs of different age groups. Customers also appreciate regular promotions, which make the offer even more attractive.

The study emphasized that the leader’s advantage also results from a dynamic online presence, which allows customers to shop without leaving home.

Who is chasing the leader?

In second and third place were (name of network no. 2) and (name of network no. 3), respectively. Both brands, although less popular, attract customers thanks to unique seasonal offers and the diversity of collections. (Network No. 2) is known for its promotions aimed at young people, and (Network No. 3) offers premium clothes at attractive prices.

The survey results show that Poles are guided primarily by three factors when choosing a store:

  1. Price – 75 percent respondents choose stores offering affordable prices.
  2. Product quality – durability and comfort are a priority for 60 percent. customers.
  3. Location – the proximity of sales points influences the choices of 40 percent. subjects.

Online shopping is on the rise

The growing popularity of online shopping also plays a role. Over 30 percent Poles regularly use e-commerce, indicating (name of e-store) as the main shopping platform. Stores offering free delivery and easy returns are most appreciated.

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