The fear of these insects is growing. If they bite, you should hide immediately
Although it was destined to cope with European winters, the Asian giant hornet has survived and is becoming an increasingly serious problem. German scientists warn that it may pose a direct threat even to humans.
The Naturschutzbund Deutschland organization has once again drawn attention to the threats related to the invasive hornet species, which is becoming more and more established in Europe. Scientists emphasized that it is dangerous not only for honey bees, of which a single bee can kill up to 50 a day. It may pose a threat even to humans, especially when defending its nest.
Asian hornets unstoppable?
– The spread of the Asian giant hornet can no longer be stopped. In many places, research on the species is still in its infancy, but experts agree on this one point. Currently, new observations are recorded almost every day, sometimes even several within 24 hours. This is a problem for many bee farmers because these insects eat bees and other pollinating insects. The consequences for local ecosystems are unpredictable, emphasized one of the German scientists.
He emphasized, however, that under no circumstances should you remove such hornet nests yourself. Birgit Kaiser de Garcia from North Rhine-Westphalia added that anyone stung by an Asian hornet should go to a safe, closed place as soon as possible. The sting itself is not dangerous unless certain specific allergies occur. The problem is something else.
What to do if you are stung by an Asian hornet?
Kaiser de Garcia explained that Asian hornets attack when the nest is removed, when someone shakes it, or when a person approaches them. A colony can number up to two thousand individuals, so you should absolutely not remove the nests on your own.
Well, when an Asian hornet stings a person, it marks him or her as the “aggressor” – the one who attacked the nest. Then the remaining individuals from this nest will chase the marked one and sting him many times. Even if he moved away from their places of residence.