TBS apartment. Can you get them after a divorce?

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TBS apartment is a property intended for rent. Can you receive it after a divorce or the death of the tenant?

  • What criteria do you need to get a TBS apartment?
  • Can a TBS apartment be inherited? –
  • What about the TBS apartment in the event of a divorce?

A TBS apartment is a form of real estate that cannot be purchased on your own, but in which you can live for life. TBS apartments from the social program are intended for people who do not have enough income to buy a property, but at the same time have too much income to get a social apartment.

What criteria do you need to meet to get a TBS apartment?

TBS housing is available to people who meet the program criteria. To receive them, you must meet basic conditions, i.e. do not own any real estate or exceed the income threshold. Income criteria vary depending on the region and city. The basic rules are that a person who wants to apply for a TBS apartment should not earn more than 1.3 times the average monthly salary in a given voivodeship.

Can a TBS apartment be inherited? –

A TBS apartment cannot be inherited. After paying the deposit and the fee (which may amount to up to 30% of the construction costs), the tenant signs the contract and, in accordance with the law, can live in the premises for the rest of his life. The apartment cannot be transferred to children or anyone in the family.

What about the TBS apartment in the event of a divorce?

The TBS premises are the joint property of the spouses. In a situation where a divorce and marriage breakdown occur, the court most often grants the right to rent a residential premises to one of the spouses. The other spouse then has to pay off the new tenant.

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