Polish invention to fly into space. Wrocław-based company to track European Space Agency rocket flight

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The Polish company Scanway has achieved significant successes in the field of space technologies, contributing to two key projects: the largest Polish satellite, EagleEye, and the new European launch vehicle, Ariane 6.

The latest rocket of the European Space Agency (ESA) – Ariane 6 – is set to launch on July 9. As part of this strategic project, the Wrocław-based company Scanway has delivered an innovative optical set based on two cameras. These cameras will record key stages of the rocket’s flight, such as the separation of the main fairing after about 3.5 minutes from launch and the separation of the satellites after 66 minutes of flight. ESA plans to use the collected data to optimize future space missions. These cameras can also be used to identify space debris, repair and refuel satellites, and assess the damage to devices in orbit.

The largest Polish satellite – EagleEye

The largest Polish satellite to date, EagleEye, will soon be launched into space. Scanway has developed an optical telescope that is the satellite’s central element. The telescope is designed to provide high-resolution images of the Earth, enabling monitoring of environmental changes, analysis of natural resources, and support in crisis management. This project is based on the company’s experience gained during the STAR VIBE mission, which created an Earth observation satellite.

Scanway, founded in 2016, is developing two business lines: vision systems for industry and space technologies. In the latter category, the company specializes in Earth observation systems and satellite self-diagnostics devices. As part of the PIAST (Polish ImAging SaTelites) project, Scanway is participating in the launch of three Earth observation satellites, which will be operated by the Military University of Technology in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense.

Expansion into international markets

The debut on the NewConnect market in October 2023 opened up new opportunities for Scanway to develop and raise capital. In May, the company signed a contract worth EUR 1.7 million with the South Korean company NARA Space Technology. This contract includes participation in the construction of a microsatellite system for Earth observation, development of optical instruments and development of observation payloads for the NarSha methane monitoring microsatellite constellation.

Additionally, Scanway supplied the optical system for collecting data for the OTTER ship tracking satellite being built by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

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