Poles assessed PKP Intercity travel. The survey results are surprising

More than half of Poles have a positive opinion about traveling by PKP Intercity trains. Although the railway has been in decline in Poland for years, trends are clearly changing. Both young and old people like to travel by train. This is according to a SW Research survey for “Wprost”.
Dirty, outdated, always delayed. Until recently, PKP Intercity trains had this patch. You could forget about air conditioning, sockets or a dining car. Few people, apart from declared railway fans, chose this option of traveling for a weekend, a longer holiday or for business purposes. The comfort of the journey was far from that offered by trains in Western Europe. Fortunately, Poland has made great progress in this matter and people appreciate it.
Meanwhile, according to market-kolejowy.pl, in July and August 2024, PKP Intercity transported 23.2 million passengers. That’s 15 percent. more than in 2023 and by 25%. more than in 2022
Do we like riding PKP Intercity trains?
The SW Research survey for “Wprost” says clearly. The services offered by the railway on long routes are positively received by the majority of respondents. To the question: “How do you rate traveling by PKP Intercity trains?” the answers were as follows:
a) Good – 56.1 percent
b) Bad – 8.1 percent
c) I don’t travel by PKP Intercity trains – 35.9%.
These answers clearly show that the vast majority of train travelers praise the services of the national carrier, which has made enormous progress over the last decade to offer people simply comfortable journeys. Only and until.
The study shows that women (54%) and men (58.5%) evaluate PKP Intercity positively to a similar extent. The highest percentage of positive responses is among people aged 35-49 (63%) and up to 24 years (60.3%). .) Respondents aged 25-34 gave good opinions, 59.1%. The oldest people (over 50 years old) are slightly more skeptical, although still positive. Almost exactly half (49.9%) rated the railway as good. Among this age group, the largest percentage answered that they do not travel by train at all (45.6%). This may indicate the habits that this age group has developed over the years regarding transport. They drive cars because the railway has been simply unattractive for years.