PLN 1,500 for a caregiver. Does there have to be a contract? What if the child is sick?

If a child is sick, will the payment of money under the “Actively at work” and “Actively in the nursery” programs be suspended? Is the condition for the payment of money to pay a caregiver to conclude a contract with her? We explain!
During the first two weeks of the Active Parent program, ZUS received PLN 301.4 thousand. applications for benefits. Carers are most likely to apply for subsidies for nurseries or clubs, i.e. the “Actively in the nursery” module.
Active parent. Both parents must work to receive the nursery subsidy
The Act provides for the introduction of three benefits to the system supporting parents in professional activity and in raising and developing a child aged 12-35 months.
“Active parents at work” benefit;
“Actively in the nursery” service;
“Actively at home” benefit.
Benefits from the Active Parent program are available regardless of the family’s income and are not subject to administrative and bailiff enforcement. No advance payment for personal income tax, social security contributions or health insurance contributions is collected from benefits.
To receive the benefit in the first two modules (PLN 1,500 for a nanny or state coverage of nursery fees up to PLN 1,500), both parents must work on the basis of an employment contract, mandate contract, run a business or be farmers. It is also necessary to be subject to retirement and disability insurance from the base, the amount of which is not less than 100%. minimum wage or:
50 percent – when the other parent is insured at least to the same extent,
30 percent – when the other parent is insured at least to the same extent and in the case of running a non-agricultural business, taking advantage of reliefs and preferences in paying ZUS contributions (start-up relief, small ZUS Plus, etc.).
continuous coverage of social insurance in KRUS for at least one year.
Active parent and contract for specific work
The Social Insurance Institution will verify the fact and the extent of parents’ professional activity.
Therefore, parents will not benefit from the benefit if the only source of income for one of them (or both) is a contract for specific work.
Something different “Actively at home”. Here, you can only get PLN 500 per month, but there are no requirements regarding the parents’ professional activity. It can be used by families where one of the parents does not work but stays at home with the child.
Regardless of the chosen option, benefits are due from the first day of the month in which the child turns 12 months old until the last day of the month preceding the month in which the child turns 35 months old. Therefore, they include the so-called the nursery period of a child’s life.
Nanny and activation contract
Parents can hire both a nanny and a family member to provide care. There is no obligation to conclude an activation agreement with the nanny, but it is advisable to protect the nanny’s interests. We are talking here about a service contract under which the nanny takes care of the children. It is covered by retirement, disability, accident and health insurance. The cost of contributions is also covered by the state. The activation agreement is a beneficial solution for retired people, because the payment of ZUS contributions increases the pension base.
On the ZUS website it explains: “If a parent concludes an activation agreement with a babysitter or child’s guardian and registers this person with ZUS for social insurance, the state budget will finance the following insurance contributions: pension, disability, accident and health insurance for this part of the salary , which is not higher than 50% of the minimum wage. Concluding an activation agreement with a babysitter or child’s guardian is not a condition for receiving benefits from the Active Parent program.
Active parent and caring for a sick child
Will the payment of money (in one of the first two modules) be suspended if the child is sick and stays at home with a parent who takes sick leave for this reason? “No, none of the benefits under the Active Parent program will be withdrawn in the event of illness of the parent or child. A break in work by a parent due to illness will not affect further receipt of the benefit,” explains ZUS.