No more alcohol in sanatoriums? The Ministry of Health will analyze the case

Seniorzy, zdjęcie ilustracyjne

The Ministry of Health announced that it would analyze the issue of alcohol sales in sanatoriums. An interpellation on this matter was recently submitted by a PiS MP.

Sanatoriums are a hit among seniors, and interest in National Health Fund and commercial stays is not weakening. These facilities are intended to improve health and rehabilitation. Stays are often accompanied by additional attractions and dances where alcohol is consumed. This raises doubts about

Alcohol in sanatoriums. Interpellation to the Ministry of Health

On this matter, an interpellation to the Minister of Health was submitted by PiS MP, Andrzej Gut-Mostowy.

“I am contacted by concerned citizens who have noticed that in some health resorts, as well as in facilities that aim to promote a healthy lifestyle, alcoholic beverages are offered, in some cases combined with loud drinks of the so-called dancing and dance parties,” we read in a letter sent to the Ministry of Health.

The PiS MP asked, among others: whether the ministry provides introducing provisions and legal regulations that would exclude the possibility of selling alcohol in such placesespecially in the context of their role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

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The Deputy Minister of Health took a position on this matter. Wojciech Konieczny referred to the provisions of the Act of October 26, 1982 on upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism. It does not mean that the sale of alcohol in sanatoriums is prohibited, although in accordance with the law it cannot be purchased, among others. in training centers or recreation homes.

“Many tools for limiting the physical availability of alcoholic beverages are within the competence of local government bodies at the municipal level,” we also read in the response. “Regardless of the above, I kindly inform you that the issue raised by the MP will be subject to additional analyses,” we read in the letter.

Interestingly, in 2013 the Supreme Administrative Court found that “the sale, serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages with a content exceeding 18 percent. alcohol on the premises of a sanatorium should be treated equally to the sale and serving of alcohol in training centers or holiday homes. This verdict was issued after the director of the facility in Kudowa-Zdrój asked the mayor to withdraw the license of the restaurant operating on the premises. He justified it similarly to the PiS MP – disturbing the night silence in the sanatorium. The then mayor refused to revoke the license.

The 2013 judgment concerned an individual case and did not open the way to punishing managers of other establishments where alcohol can be purchased.

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