Mother of quintuplets from Horyniec showed “bill of horror”. Gigantic amount for electricity

Dominika Clarke – a mother of quintuplets from Horyniec – showed the electricity bill that the family has to pay in Poland. – More than in Thailand – she assessed bitterly.
It’s the end of the month, which means bills. It’s never a pleasant thing to do – especially when the amounts are so high. “What’s the deal with electricity in Poland? I pay more for electricity in Poland than in Thailand,” Clarke admitted. She then showed the “horror bill.”
Huge Electricity Bill: Clarke Family Has a Tough Nut to Crack
On the bill, the energy supplier estimated the consumption to be more than four thousand kilowatt-hours. The “physical” one, however, was over 700 kWh. A family from Horyniec (in Podkarpacie) will have to pay over 6.5 thousand zlotys.
– I haven’t lived in Poland for almost half a year, I don’t use any energy. How is it? The best thing is that the next conditions are still higher than those in Thailand. For the next three billing periods I have to pay more than here – explains the mother of quintuplets during a video published on Instagram.
In the description of the film, Clarke stated that in Thailand, she pays around PLN 2,500 for a whole month of electricity and water. At the same time, she admitted that the air conditioning is used very often at home (which is on almost all the time). The family also often uses the washing machine (even several times a day), the dishwasher, not to mention the electric kettle.
In Poland, however, the amount to be paid is PLN 6,000, divided into three payments.
Dominika Clarke received a number of suggestions from internet users. They advised her to provide the meter reading and the utility might adjust the bill. Another said that before leaving, the family could have reported that no one would be using the electricity at home and taken a photo of the meter. “You are paying for the forecast, which should be reduced to the minimum amounts,” the Instagram user wrote.
Clarke family responds to ‘attack’
The Clarke family is very active on social media. Recently, the mother of quintuplets responded to the words of an influencer who criticized her. She said that she was not taking proper care of one of her children.
Clarke responded to what she called an “attack.” “You judge right away. How can you judge when you don’t see everything?” the former resident of Horyniec wondered.