Janusz Palikot lost a historic tenement house in Lublin. Furniture is being removed


Janusz Palikot’s financial situation is so bad that he has to sell his real estate. As reported by the Jawny Lublin website, the former politician got rid of, among others, tenement house in the center of Lublin.

In a tenement house at ul. Archidiakońska 9 in Lublin Janusz Palikot lived with his wife and two children for 20 years. When he retired from politics, there were rumors about selling the property. However, the MP stubbornly denied them.

Janusz Palikot loses his tenement house. He called her “home”

— This is my home, this is my place. I travel around Poland a lot. In the morning I take the children to school, get in the car and drive to Warsaw. I always try to sleep at home. I’m resting here. One day in Lublin is enough for a week’s vacation – he emphasized in a statement he gave to “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

Journalists discovered that new owners were entered in the land and mortgage register of the mentioned property. This is the Specivest lending company from Poznań. There was a mortgage on the tenement house worth PLN 39.5 million.

The Jawny Lublin portal, describing this situation, mentioned vans that collected antique furniture belonging to Janusz Palikot’s wife in front of the tenement house. Vehicles were approaching the building more and more often. Recently, chairs and an antique sideboard were taken away from the tenement house in a white bus.

Janusz Palikot’s serious financial problems

On October 3, Janusz Palikot was detained by officers of the Central Anticorruption Bureau. The former politician was arrested on charges of fraud and misappropriation of property. The National Prosecutor’s Office reported that there were approximately 5,000 people injured by the businessman. people for a total amount of nearly PLN 70 million. It was related to the activities of companies belonging to Palikot and other suspects in 2019-2023.

On November 4, the Office of the Court Bailiff at the Lublin-Zachód District Court in Lublin, Tomasz Walenda, announced the auction of a package of 358,247 non-preference shares in the company Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina. The activities were scheduled to begin on Monday, December 2, at 10 a.m. and were to last until 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 9. The starting price was set at PLN 1,157,941.50.

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