Is today a trading Sunday? Where will we shop on September 29?

Centrum handlowe, zdjęcie ilustracyjne

Is today a trading Sunday? Millions of Poles ask themselves this question every week. It happens that when we were at the store on Friday or Saturday, we forgot to buy something important. Where can you shop today? We are in a hurry to provide all the information.

In 2024, we will have a total of seven shopping Sundays in Poland. That’s not much for twelve months a year. Further in the text you will find information about shopping Sundays until the end of 2024.

The ban on Sunday trading in Poland was introduced under the Act of January 10, 2018. The Act entered into force in stages:

  • On March 1, 2018, trade restrictions began on selected Sundays. In the first year (2018), trading was allowed on two Sundays a month: the first and the last.

  • In 2019, the number of trading Sundays was limited to one per month – it was the last Sunday of each month.

  • From 2020, the ban on Sunday trading covers almost all Sundays of the year, with a few exceptions (trading Sundays before holidays and selected other Sundays).

Is today a trading Sunday?

Well, no. On September 29, we will not shop in shopping centers or large supermarkets. However, there are establishments that can trade on that day. Below is the list.

  • kiosks

  • pharmacies

  • gas stations

  • restaurants

  • post offices

  • flower shops

  • shops located at stations and airports

Shopping Sundays 2024. When do they fall?

In October and November, lovers of Sunday trips to shopping centers and supermarkets will have to make do and find other entertainment. There will be no trading Sunday in the calendar. There will be two in December. We are talking about the last two before Christmas, i.e. December 15 and December 22. As is commonly known, December is a time of increased traffic in virtually all commercial establishments. The legislator thought about this, which is why the restrictive regulations regarding the ban on trading on the seventh day of the week do not apply in the second half of December.

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