Important New Year’s Eve appeal. Tourists partying in the mountains should remember this

Sylwester w górach

The Tatra National Park appeals to tourists just before New Year’s Eve. He expects many people in the mountains. Everyone should follow the applicable rules.

The Tatra Mountains are one of the most beloved mountain ranges among tourists from Poland and abroad. We go there both in summer and winter, and when New Year’s Eve approaches, we plan special climbs to the peaks or outdoor events. TPN representatives remind us what not to do. It’s about the safety of people and animals.

TPN New Year’s Eve appeal

The message appeared, among others, on the park’s Facebook page. Interesting posters with the slogan “Don’t shoot on New Year’s Eve” were published there. In the pictures we see a scared bear, birds and other animals. All this is to illustrate the suffering they face when tourists make noise in wild areas. “Please. “You can have good fun without crackers and fireworks.” – appeals TPN.

It was emphasized that the warning campaign was related to concern for the safety of both wild animals and homeless, domestic and farm animals. “The shots cause enormous stress and New Year’s Eve is simply a nightmare for the animals. There are so many other ways to have fun! Let’s not light crackers and fireworks,” we read.

As we know, noise in the Tatra Mountains, including Zakopane, cannot be completely avoided. Thousands of tourists have already arrived, and accommodation facilities are bursting at the seams. Even though the city did not host the famous “New Year’s Eve of Dreams” this year, you will still be able to count on celebrations with local music, atmospheric walks and city fun. Nevertheless, you should take TPN’s requests to heart, exercise moderation and forget about firecrackers. When we go to the mountain trails on New Year’s Eve, it is worth being careful, which is what TOPR appeals to. You should take into account changing weather conditions and your capabilities.

Internet users comment

After TPN’s announcement appeared online, Internet users immediately commented on the issue of firecrackers in the mountains and did not spare words of criticism. “We should follow the example of Italian cities. There, in some countries, including Rome, crackers and fireworks have been banned”, “There should simply be heavy penalties for these stupid games” – these are some of the many Facebook comments regarding the case. Some pointed out that they were going to shoot anyway, but in “safe places.”

Many people still remember the famous prank from last year. Then fireworks were set off in the Five Ponds Valley, but the perpetrators could not be found.

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