How to be safe online? Find out with T-Mobile
According to data from the “Digital 2024” report, the average Polish internet user spends 6 hours and 17 minutes online, or over ¼ of a day. Undoubtedly, it provides almost unlimited access to information and the ability to stay in touch with loved ones. However, with the rapid development of new technologies, various situations arise that may – due to lack of user awareness – result in, for example, loss of data or money. You can learn how to safely navigate the internet and how to protect yourself from potential cyber threats from the educational campaign “Confident on the Net”, implemented by T-Mobile Polska. The third edition of this project starts in October.
The modern internet user faces a virtual world full of possibilities every day. After all, with just one click we have emails, news from around the world, social media, entertainment and much more at our fingertips – and all of this seems so natural and safe. Unfortunately, various threats also appear in this virtual space. Regardless of digital competences, anyone can become a victim of cybercriminals. Are Poles aware of this? What does the data say about it? According to the report “Online Privacy. User opinions and good practices” (ClickMeeting, 2022), over 57% of Polish respondents believe that they care about their privacy online. On the other hand, however, as many as 40% of respondents do not know what the consequences of a personal data leak may be – according to the Office for Personal Data Protection (“Personal data – do we know how to protect them?”, 2023). This shows how important continuous education in the field of online security is.
T-Mobile Polska is well aware of the enormous opportunities offered by using the Internet, but is also aware of how much the role of cybersecurity has grown in recent years. For this reason, in 2022, the operator initiated a nationwide educational campaign “Confident on the Net”, addressed to a wide group of recipients, so that everyone, regardless of age and digital competences, can feel confident on the Internet. In its activities – not only marketing – T-Mobile puts people at the center and that is why it wants all network users (regardless of whether they use the services of this operator) to use the Internet and new technologies safely. And to have only the best experiences on the Magenta network.
Cyber course in video format
How to convey knowledge, but also tips on how to confidently navigate the web so as not to scare recipients? How to encourage them to use the digital world consciously? T-Mobile decided to speak to users in a simple way and give them specific advice, which is why experts specializing in specific issues took part in the campaign. And so 12 episodes of conversations were created, led by the well-known scientific journalist Karol Wójcicki, who delved into the intricacies of the digital web with his interlocutors. And what exactly were the topics taken under the magenta magnifying glass? Aleksandra Przegalińska, futurologist and AI expert, talked about the concept that has been inflected in all possible ways in recent years, i.e. artificial intelligence.
Undoubtedly, the topic of disinformation and fake news is also related to this technology, which was explained by Dr. Sylwia Gliwa, an expert in disinformation. Dorota Głowacka from the Panoptykon Foundation talked about how to protect your privacy and data, while Anna Borkowska, an expert in digital education at NASK, presented the rules regarding children’s privacy on the web. What FOMO is and how to maintain digital hygiene was advised by psychologist and addiction psychotherapist Joanna Flis. How to create safe passwords was advised by Adam Heartle from the portal.
There was also no shortage of topics on what our smartphone hides and how to use its functions and applications consciously, as Paweł Dobrzański, security director at T-Mobile, spoke about. In turn, Renata Kania, a security expert at T-Mobile, explained what phishing is and what its types are. These are examples of topics that were discussed in the campaign – more episodes can be found on the official T-Mobile Polska channel on YouTube.
In addition to the cyber video course, several educational articles were also created within the two editions of the campaign, and all materials are available on the website: The campaign was a great success and caught the attention of the most reachable media in Poland, thanks to which the reach of communication amounted to over 70 million, and the educational films had hundreds of thousands of views.
The next edition will be available from October
The interviews with experts conducted in two editions do not exhaust the topic of online security, which is why T-Mobile is preparing the 3rd edition of the “Certain on the Net” campaign, in which – in a completely new, modern, very lifestyle format – it will present current threats on the net. The campaign will start in October 2024, during the European Cybersecurity Month. A new episode will be shown for 6 weeks, discussing a different topic, so viewers will be able to further deepen their knowledge. The video materials will be published on the Internet – on the T-Mobile Polska channel on YouTube, as well as on the website