He went on a mountain hike. The hiker survived seven weeks in the wilderness

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It was supposed to be a short and safe trip. It quickly turned out that the tourist was missing. When it seemed that the search had come to nothing, there was a breakthrough in the case.

The situation began to become public in October this year. The disappearance of a 20-year-old tourist occurred in the Redfern-Keily Park in the northern Canadian Rockies. Benastick himself went on a hike that was supposed to last 10 days. After he ventured deep into the forest, he was never heard from again.

Missing tourist found

Although the desperate family and rescuers ended the search long ago, it turned out that the man managed to cope on his own and survived in the wilderness for an exceptionally long time. It was found by accident, only 7 weeks after the start of the expedition. We can talk about a miracle, because in recent days the temperatures on site dropped to -20 degrees, it snowed, and the entire search area was completely remote from civilization.

The hiker was spotted by two employees of a nearby oil platform. Benastick himself was said to have emerged from the wilderness wrapped in a cut-up sleeping bag. Mainly thanks to it, he managed to protect himself from the cold. All this close to where the initial search began. The tourist was dehydrated and had numerous frostbites. It later turned out that he also suffered from smoke poisoning when his makeshift shelter burned down. Immediately after he was found, he was given help and taken to hospital.

He survived in the wilderness for seven weeks

The situation in question is unique and very extreme. It can be said that the tourist was very lucky and it is not known what his fate would have been if it had not been for random men. Information about Sam’s adventure was confirmed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. She stated that the young man was under the care of doctors at a hospital in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Central Okanagan Search and Rescue called the discovery of the hiker an “unbelievable miracle.”

The 20-year-old revealed that he survived by first staying in the car and then going to the stream, where he camped for almost 15 days. Before he found his way, he built a camp in a dry stream bed. He later met the platform’s employees.

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