Have Poles gotten used to the Sunday trading ban? A surprising survey
Almost 55 percent Poles believe that the current regulations regarding the Sunday trading ban are appropriate and should not be changed – according to a United Surveys survey for Wirtualna Polska. Over 40 percent have the opposite opinion. subjects.
March next year will mark 7 years since the introduction of the law restricting Sunday trading. Initially – from March to December 2018 – stores were open on the first and last Sunday of the month, then only on the last Sunday, and from 2020 there are only seven commercial Sundays. This applies to the last Sunday of January, April, June and August, as well as the Sunday before Easter and the two Sundays before Christmas.
The Poland 2050 project, which assumes the liberalization of Sunday trade, has been in the Sejm for several months. The project sponsored by MP Ryszard Petru includes, among others: two commercial Sundays a month (the first and third), i.e. a de facto return to the rules from the beginning of the Act’s operation. For work on the last day of the week, the employee would be entitled to double remuneration, and the employer would be obliged to designate the employee a day off (from six days before to six days after the working day on Sunday). For now, the project is stuck in parliamentary committees and everything indicates that a breakthrough will occur in the near future.
Poles do not want changes to the trade ban act?
Poles do not necessarily expect such a breakthrough. This is proven by the latest United Surveys survey for Wirtualna Polska. It turns out that as many as 54.5 percent respondents believe that the current regulations governing Sunday trading are adequate and nothing should be changed. According to 41.6 percent respondents, changes are necessary. Of this group, 27.1 percent believes that at least two shopping Sundays a month should be introduced.
Only 14.5 percent respondents say that the trade ban should be completely abolished, and less than 4 percent has no opinion on the issue in question.
A SW Research survey for “Wprost” conducted in mid-year showed that 56 percent of Poles support the idea of Poland 2050 to introduce two shopping Sundays a month. 30.1 percent of respondents do not want such a solution, and almost 14 percent of respondents do not want it. has opinions on this matter.