Hand check on the plane. Why do they check hands with paper?

Hand check on the plane. Why do they check hands with paper?

Hand checks at the airport can be stressful for travelers. Why do some passengers have their hands checked with a piece of paper and what does it mean?

Airport security is a stressful experience, even for those passengers who often fly abroad. Getting through all the gates takes some time, but usually it goes quite smoothly and without incident. Sometimes, however, an alarm sounds while passing through the gate, which means that the traveler is selected for additional checks. Why?

What is an airport hand check?

A passenger selected for additional checks may be searched by a guard with a metal detector and tested for the presence of dangerous substances. Such testing is carried out using a so-called hand check.

The guard touches the palm of the hand with a special paper, which is supposed to check if there are no viruses, bacteria or dangerous substances on the skin of the hand. Such a test is also called a drug check.

Why do they check hands with paper at the airport?

The paper hand check is intended to ensure the safety of all passengers and minimize the risk that a traveler will bring dangerous substances on board the plane. It is done randomly, it is not aimed at anyone personally. Travelers do not know whether they will be selected, the checks are random.

However, it happens that some travelers are selected for additional checks, e.g. a search of their luggage. This can also be a random action, but it can happen that the scanner detects some items in the luggage that were not placed in the basket (e.g. metal or electronic devices).

The guards also have the right to search anyone whose behavior seems suspicious to them. Such a search should be conducted with respect for the privacy of passengers.

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