Fortune on the street of a tourist city. Everyone could reach for it


Can money just be lying on a city street? It happens and the people of Lecce have seen it. One check surprised passers-by.

An unusual situation occurred in the Italian city of Lecce. It is usually known as the “Florence of the south” and is famous for its baroque buildings and monuments. Now he’s in the news because of his valuable check. He was found on the street.

A check found on an Italian street

Any tourist could have come across the check in question. Many would dream of taking it home and getting rich easily. However, in such situations it is worth acting in accordance with the law. Fortunately, that’s what happened this time.

The small piece of paper was worth as much as EUR 49 million. It was found on the sidewalk by a representative of the city authorities – environmental protection assessor at the city government, Andrea Guido. He couldn’t help but admire it. His ordinary walk turned into an emotional moment. “It was a surreal amount,” the man commented on this find.

It was necessary to act immediately and find the owner of the money. The local media quickly wrote about the case. It was reported that the check was lost near the entrance of the courier company.

A happy ending to the case

The situation the Italian found himself in was so unusual that he wondered for a moment what to do. “At first I thought I would take the check to the police station. But then it occurred to me to contact the courier company and find out if they know the owner. It turned out that it was her client, whom they immediately notified,” Andrea told local media.

Thanks to his honesty and quick response, the owner of the check, a local construction entrepreneur, was found. The head of the department left the document with the courier company, which handed it over to the man.

Afterwards, it turned out that the entrepreneur thanked the finder. He revealed that the sum of EUR 49 million shown on the check will benefit the city – it will be invested in hotels in Lecce. This is good news for all residents. Who knows, maybe when you go to Italy in a few years, you will stay overnight in one of the new hotels of a local businessman?

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