Every fifth Pole makes this mistake when throwing away garbage. The fine may reach up to PLN 5,000. zloty
Every fifth Pole makes a mistake when getting rid of electronic waste. Not everyone realizes that the penalty for this is up to PLN 5,000. PLN fine.
Many Poles still throw away old electronic equipment into a regular trash bin. This is confirmed by a study by GfK Polonia from 2019. It shows that 20 percent Many of us have placed, for example, an unused cell phone or a used battery in such a container at least once. Not everyone is aware that this is a mistake and that improper disposal of electronic waste may result in a severe penalty.
Electronic waste – as Wirtualna Polska reminds – includes both electronic and electrical equipment containing harmful substances, including: mercury, lead or cadmium. This applies to both small devices such as telephones, light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, batteries and power banks, but also to larger electronics and household appliances.
Where to throw away electronic waste?
The rules regarding the disposal of such electronic waste are regulated by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act of 2015. It specifies both the amounts of fines and the permissible places for returning used electronic devices.
Fines of up to PLN 5,000 may be imposed for throwing electronic waste into a standard waste bin. zloty. So where should they be placed? They can be delivered to dedicated collection points, such as PSZOK (Point of Selective Collection of Municipal Waste). Such points organize electronic waste collection in many different ways. You can bring used equipment directly to their headquarters, and in many cities there are mobile collection points (cars parked at specific locations and hours). It also often happens that in certain towns, electronic waste collections are organized on the occasion of various types of festivals, picnics and other events.
Small electronic waste, such as light bulbs or batteries, can be thrown into special containers that are available in many stores. In the case of larger devices, it is possible to use the services of companies that offer collection directly from home.
As recent Eurostat data show, nearly half of Poles waste away old electronics. We are no different from Europeans in this respect. Data quoted by telepolis.pl show that the European average is 49 percent, while among Poles it is 48 percent.