Controversial ban at the swimming pool. Shower only in a bathing suit

In Kraśnik, at the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center, the new director introduced an unusual rule: swimming pool users must use the showers only in swimsuits.
The director threatens with a fine for violating the ban. The problem is that this rule contradicts the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, which requires naked bathing.
Kraśnik. The director of MOSiR introduces mandatory shower suits
Kraśnik continues his streak of controversial decisions. So far, the city has been known as the first to introduce a ban on the use of Wi-Fi and 5G networks in schools – notes Wirtualna Polska. Now another controversial initiative has appeared.
The newly appointed director of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center introduced an obligation to use swimming pool showers only in swimsuits. The decision strongly divided the facility’s users and city residents.
This rule was introduced by Michał Stawiarski, who has been the director of MOSiR since June. According to, Stawiarski previously worked in the office of PiS MP Anna Baluch, and he also holds a mandate as a district councilor on behalf of PiS. It is worth adding that his father, Jarosław Stawiarski, is the marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship, also from PiS.
The director justified the decision to shower only in costumes with the need to “protect children” and “take care of the comfort of their guardians.”
“This is a response to the appeal of parents whose children use the showers and locker rooms. Ladies and gentlemen were often without clothes and it was distasteful for the guardians and the children,” he explained in response to Wirtualna Polska’s questions. He also added that teachers also made such a request, and there is no physical possibility of separating a separate zone only at the swimming pool. for children.
Illegal changes
Those who do not comply with the order, according to Stawiarski, will commit an indecent act, which will expose them to liability under Art. 140 of the Petty Offenses Code. Art. quoted by MOSiR. 140 of the Code of Petty Offenses actually indicates that “Whoever publicly commits an indecent act shall be subject to the penalty of arrest, restriction of liberty, a fine of up to PLN 1,500 or a reprimand.”
The problem is that this provision cannot be in opposition to the recommendations of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, which clearly indicate that “Before entering the swimming pool hall, every person should wash themselves thoroughly with soap and rinse under the shower (without swimming suits).”
Unfortunately, the director of MOSiR in Kraśnik did not respond to the Sanepid’s recommendations.
The case, described by the local website “Inne Życie Kraśnika”, caused a lot of amusement among users.
There were voices from residents online who described the ban as a “manifestation of small-town mentality” and an “unprecedented level of overzealousness.” Internet users ironically commented on whether the next step would be to require costumes in closed changing rooms or to ban taking off underwear in toilets.