Constant fatigue may be a non-obvious symptom of a serious disease that develops over years
Severe, chronic fatigue may be an alarm signal that our liver is not functioning properly. It happens that it is a manifestation of the body due to a developing disease.
We often ignore severe fatigue and treat it as a result of stress or lack of sleep. However, chronic fatigue may be a symptom of serious diseases such as hypothyroidism, anemia, diabetes, or even depression. However, this is not all, because a diseased liver can also manifest itself in this way. Therefore, this condition cannot be underestimated if it persists for a long time and it is worth consulting a doctor.
Severe fatigue as a symptom of a diseased liver
A signal that the liver, one of the key organs, is not working properly is severe fatigue. This is a non-obvious symptom which, unfortunately, usually does not prompt us to see a doctor. Hepatitis C virus it may not show any specific symptoms for years. It is an infectious disease caused by the influenza C virus (it mainly attacks the liver).
In most people, hepatitis C infection is asymptomatic. However, it sometimes happens that the symptom that accompanies patients is severe fatigue without a clear cause. Additionally, there is also a deterioration of mood and well-being. In acute hepatitis, only 20-30 percent of infected people experience symptoms. Abdominal pain, low-grade fever and loss of appetite may also occur. Spontaneous recovery from the virus is rare. The diagnostic test performed when HCV is suspected is the determination of anti-HCV antibodies. Remember that untreated hepatitis is associated with the risk of complications – liver cirrhosis may occur. This disease, in turn, is accelerated by factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity. Such people also have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, it is worth remembering that chronic fatigue may also have other causes.
How to reduce the risk of hepatitis C infection?
Hepatitis C infection may occur during frequent hospitalization, transfusion of infected blood or organ transplantation. The risk also increases if the patient undergoes dialysis or other medical procedures. Healthcare workers, such as nurses, paramedics and doctors, are also at risk. However, infection may also occur during cosmetic treatments or tattoo studios, as well as during intravenous drug use.
To reduce the risk of HCV infection, it is worth taking preventive measures, such as using your own hygiene tools (toothbrush, razor). If they are contaminated with blood, the virus can be transmitted very easily. To reduce the risk of infection, it is also recommended to maintain sexual contact with a regular partner.