Allegro tightens regulations. You won’t be able to sell these products anymore

Allegro has introduced changes that prevent individuals from selling products from well-known brands. The new rules are aimed at combating counterfeits, and there are severe penalties for violating them.
The Allegro platform has introduced new rules that significantly limit the ability of individuals to sell products. As of September 2, individual users can no longer sell well-known branded items. These changes are intended to combat counterfeiting, which is still a serious problem in the e-commerce market.
The list covered by the new regulations, called “brand protection conditions,” includes several hundred companies, including such well-known brands as Apple, Adidas, Nike, Gucci, Samsung, H&M, Versace, Calvin Klein, and Vichy. From now on, individuals are not able to sell products bearing the logos of these companies. However, sellers can use two available paths if they want to continue selling: they can set up a business account or use the Allegro Lokalnie platform.
These changes were introduced to reduce the risk of selling counterfeit products, which can mislead customers and expose them to lower quality goods. As Allegro representatives point out, the platform actively combats the sale of counterfeits, and the new rules are to help eliminate this problem even more effectively.
Harsh consequences for dishonest sellers
Sellers who, despite the new rules, try to offer counterfeits must expect serious sanctions. First, after reporting such an offer, Allegro reserves the right to remove all auctions that concern products from the list of protected brands. If the seller commits a similar offense again and the report is positively verified, he will face a financial penalty of PLN 2,500.
In addition, people who break the new rules may lose access to their account, which means not only the inability to sell, but also to buy on the platform. Allegro does not tolerate recidivism, and blocking an account is one of the most serious sanctions a user can face.
However, Allegro’s regulations provide for the possibility of appealing the imposed sanctions. Users who feel they have been unfairly punished can file an appeal within six months and try to change the platform’s decision.