Access too early? The Rogue Prince of Persia game review

The Prince of Persia series needs no introduction to computer game fans. However, someone came up with the idea of selling an additional product to players based on a well-known brand. Or rather – hope for the final product.
Expanding a proven universe loved by fans is, of course, an idea as old as time. Even more, it is as old as computer games. Mario the plumber in sports games or RPG games no longer surprises anyone, and Pokemon as a photography game or a Tekken-style fighting game are ideas from two decades ago.
For example, CD Projekt's variations on The Witcher didn't look that bad. Card Gwent was very popular back then, and someone probably played Thronebreaker.
However, such ideas did not always turn out to be successful. The canceled Starcraft: Ghost project was one of the most famous examples discouraging experimenting with a new genre, even for a proven series with deep lore (a fictional world with a rich history, created for the game).
The Rogue Prince of Persia, i.e. expanding the game catalog
The Rogue Prince of Persia, on the one hand, seems to be a quite natural extension of the catalog of Prince games. In the gaming world, the roguelite genre is a stone's throw away from the platformers and arcade games we associate this series with. In addition, it has been a real hit on the indie (independent) scene in recent years. Which publisher wouldn't want to have it in their portfolio?
However, a question arises about the brand of this title and the depth of the world of the Prince of Persia games. The Prince is certainly not as consistent and recognizable a character as Mario, he has undergone many metamorphoses and rebrandings over the years. As a hero of arcade games, he has not yet written a story extensive enough for it to be a separate element of attraction.
The poor cousin of Dead Cells and Hades
The Rogue Prince of Persia resembles a composite of two games: Dead Cells and Hades. It basically borrows the entire gameplay idea from both of them: progressing through subsequent stages faster and faster thanks to power-ups purchased after each waste and new weapons unlocked in the same way. From the latter, it also takes its narrative style, which involves conversations with the characters who greet us at the beginning of each game.
The problem is that both previously mentioned classics are much better than The Rogue Prince of Persia in these elements. Not only because of the colossal difference in the wealth of available options (this can be justified by the note “early access”), but also when it comes to the story itself. In Hades, it was the main character's story that pushed us to further escape attempts. In the case of The Prince, we very quickly start clicking through dialogues that add little and feel like filler.
Copying a fashionable idea is not a bad thing, the players themselves have repeatedly demanded that the assumptions from the hits of the indie scene be developed. There is certainly no shortage of people grateful for the numerous clones of the great Slay the Spire or the wide range of metroidvania games. It is certainly possible to make a better roguelite than Dead Cells, but in such a case you would have to work hard, because the bar has been set really high.
The Rogue Prince of Persia is too small?
The question arises whether early access is actually a good solution for the new Prince of Persia. We were drawn to Hades and Dead Cells because they were highly polished products from the moment players got their hands on them. The first minutes with these titles were a revelation, and the following hours only intensified the good impression. The multitude of options and constantly new surprises allowed us to sink hundreds of hours into both titles. The early access version of The Rogue Prince of Persia simply seems empty in comparison. It's more like a big demo than proper early access.
There are not too many enemies here and they are not overly diverse. The locations are quite monotonous, probably partly due to the chosen color palette. There are few weapons at the beginning and the skill tree looks very poor. In addition, the progression system seems very slow, which can be explained by the fact that there is simply little content. You die often and there are few resources, which quickly leads to the vision of arduous grinding – drudgery that players do not like, allowing them to obtain the desired upgrades.
Ubisoft was, of course, aware that their product could not compete with the best, so they postponed the release of early access so as not to conflict with Hades II. Let us note that the early access formula was also chosen there. However, due to the experience gained during the first part, this title is much more interesting at this stage and may embarrass the Prince with his modest equipment.
The Prince of Persia sounds and looks, but it's not enough
If The Rogue Prince of Persia can compete with Dead Cells in anything, it's definitely its music. The songs playing in the background were selected very skillfully and in addition to raw, atmospheric melodies, we also have fast, modern arrangements. It's hard to say the same about the graphic design, even if I personally liked it. Friends looking over their shoulders were deeply divided. A few thought the game looked great, but an equal number said the game was “disgusting.” It's not often that a title evokes such different reactions.
It is worth appreciating the combat system, which is based on the use of elements of the environment. You can throw enemies onto spikes, push them against each other, attack from a jump and from behind after a successful dodge. The game also introduced some elements of parkour and allows us, for example, to run on walls in the background. Generally, however, there is no sense of speed like in the above-mentioned hits, or even in Have a Nice Death. I played this game after The Rogue… and it fascinated me much more than the title described in this review.
The Rogue Prince of Persia. “Pocze – wait”
If anyone has been waiting for this title, I would suggest that they hold off and wait until the full version is released, expected in “about a year, probably a little longer.” The developers announce “more levels, weapons, features, enemies, bosses, chapters and overall progression.” They also do not rule out that they will add some element to the basic part of the game along the way (sounds enigmatic and not very specific).
“More specifically, we intend to double the amount of content in the early access version,” we read. If it said “multiply times four” in this blurb, I might be intrigued and come back to The Rogue Prince of Persia in a year. At the moment, however, I do not foresee a great future for the game. I hope I'm wrong, because you can never have too many good productions, and I'll probably have watched Hades 2 by now. On the other hand, I wonder if with constant comparisons I am not building an alibi for the Prince of Persia. I'm not so sure that Evil Empire would have a chance of engaging me, even if it were the first of its genre.
Rating: 6