1000 PLN for the birth of a child. Who is eligible for this benefit?

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In 2012, new parents received 1,000 PLN from the state on the occasion of the birth of a child. When the Family 500+ benefit appeared a few years later, the next government changed the rules for paying the baby bonus. Who can apply for one-off support today?

When the then PO-PSL government introduced a benefit called the birth allowance (also called the “Kosiniakowy” – after Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, who was then the Minister of Labor and Social Policy), it was available to all parents who welcomed a child into the world. Today, its payment is linked to the income criterion.

The only thing that has not changed over the years is the amount of the benefit: one thousand zlotys for each child born.

Who is the baby bonus for?

A one-time allowance is available to the mother or father of the child, the legal guardian or the actual guardian of the child, if the family income per person does not exceed PLN 1,922.00 net. The benefit is regulated by the Family Benefits Act.

Another condition is Polish citizenship and residence in Poland.

Under certain conditions, a foreigner can also receive the baby bonus. He or she will receive one thousand złoty if:

  • is a citizen of another European Union country

  • is a citizen of a non-EU country, but his or her country has signed a social security agreement with Poland that provides for the right to the maternity benefit in Poland

  • has a permanent residence permit

  • has a long-term EU resident permit

  • has a temporary residence permit in connection with work in a profession that requires high qualifications

  • has a temporary residence permit

  • has refugee status or subsidiary protection

  • has a residence card with the note “access to the labour market and is a citizen of the European Union.

Doctor’s visits and baby showers

The third, in addition to income and citizenship, very important condition for receiving the benefit is to prove that the mother was under medical care from at least the 10th week of pregnancy until delivery, i.e.:

  • she visited primary health care facilities

  • she underwent outpatient specialist services.

These doctor visits should take place at least once in each trimester of pregnancy. You should ask your doctor for a certificate for the baby shower, who will issue it based on the pregnancy card.

Why did the legislator link the use of medical care to the payment of money? The intention was to put pressure on women to have regular check-ups during pregnancy – for their own health and that of their child. However, this requirement was criticized from the beginning: women often realize they are pregnant around the fifth or sixth week. In small towns, where access to doctors is limited, the wait for an appointment at a municipal center can exceed four weeks and thus, through no fault of their own, a woman will not be able to meet the requirement of being under the care of a doctor.

How to apply for the baby bonus?

The application can be submitted:

  • via the website empatia.mpips.gov.pl

  • via post office

  • in person – by submitting an application at the PCŚ office

  • via the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services

The application must be received no later than 12 months after the child’s birth.

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